Icelandic Glacial refreshes UK celebs and world ice skating pros as the exclusive water supplier of ITVs 'Dancing on Ice'

Icelandic Glacial hydrates some of the world’s most talented ice skaters and leading UK celebrities as the exclusive water supplier of ITV’s hit show Dancing on Ice.

Dancing on IceThe 13 week show sees celebrities with the help of their professional ice skating partners, attempt to master the technical and graceful art of dancing on the ice. Each week a new routine is learnt and mastered, with the celebrities hoping to wow the viewers and judges in their quest to become the next king or queen of the ice.

Throughout the entire series, Icelandic Glacial will be on hand to help the professional skaters and celebrities remain ice-cool in front of the judging panel. The live audience will also get to sample the award-winning taste of Icelandic Glacial, keeping thirsts quenched and voices in tune for all of the ice action!

This season’s celebrity line-up includes former Chelsea and England football favourite Graeme Le Saux, model and TV presenter Melinda Messenger, former England Rugby League superstar Ellery Hanley and British soap-opera heartthrob Jeremy Edwards.

For more information about Dancing on Ice and to check out all of the behind the scenes action, visit

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