Icelandic Glacial to Aid Hurricane Ike Victims in Texas

Icelandic Glacial announced today that it is donating its bottled water for distribution to victims and relief workers in the communities in and around Galveston, TX, one of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Ike. The company is donating a truck-load of twenty-one pallets (22,680 bottles) of its 750 ml bottled water, which will be distributed throughout the Galveston community beginning today.

“The devastation caused by Hurricane Ike is truly shocking -- our prayers go out to the people of Texas affected by this terrible tragedy,” said Jon Olafsson, CEO, Icelandic Glacial. “Hurricane Ike has left too many people without access to clean and safe drinking water, a necessity so many of us take for granted. By distributing fresh portable water to those in need, we can do a small but important part in helping with the relief effort.”

Icelandic Glacial is distributed in the US by Anheuser-Busch. Del Papa Distributing, the local Anheuser-Busch wholesaler with a distribution center in Beaumont, TX, will coordinate delivery of the Icelandic Glacial bottled water to relief stations where there is no access to clean water in Hardin, Orange and Jefferson counties.“

This area was the hardest hit by the hurricane and there’s an urgent need for bottled water,” said Larry Del Papa, principal of Del Papa Distributing. “The generous donation from Icelandic Glacial will provide much-needed aid to our local communities.

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