Icelandic Glacial takes to the red carpet for Fantastic Four Premiere in Leicester Square, London

Last night saw the awaited premier of Fox’s summer blockbuster; the Fantastic Four...
where Icelandic Glacial gave an impressive supporting performance, by keeping all invited guests refreshed with complimentary bottles of our exceptional new mineral water
Charlie Clapham, UK Promotions Manager for Twentieth Century Fox, commented, “we were impressed with Icelandic Glacial’s recent showing at Cannes Film Festival and were delighted to have the product as our official water for the premier of Fox’s big summer release, Fantastic Four? the product looks and tastes fantastic, and was very well received by our select guests on the evening

The association with Twentieth Century Fox’s latest premier continues Icelandic Glacial’s strong association with Film, Music and Entertainment, following the products launch at Cannes Film Festival in May and a number of other high profile appearances across Europe and North America

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